I väntan på att #Valve lanserar zombiepangaren #Left 4 Dead någon gång i [n=23280 september] har den som velat skicka vandrande lik tillbaka till graven sedan några veckor tillbaka kunnat stilla den värsta abstinensen med #Half-Life 2-[[mod | modifikationen]] Zombie Panic: Source. Teamet bakom den stundtals slafsiga skapelsen har under helgen släppt en [[patch]] som flyttar upp versionsnumret till 1.2b.

Bland nyheterna märks ett par nya kartor, nya ljudeffekter, möjligheten för spelare att fatta eld och en rad finjusteringar som sammanfattningsvis verkar göra det betydligt tuffare för modifikationens människor att överleva. I vanlig ordning finns såväl den fullständiga [[klient | klienten]] (770 MB), uppgraderingen från föregånende version (181 MB) som [[server | servermjukvaran]] (178 MB) i FZ:s filarkiv.


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-Global banning is now in effect.

-A player now catches on fire if they stand in a fire for atleast 2.5 secs.

-Slowed players down when bunny hopping or backpedaling.

-Adjusted weights on items.

-Updated weapon skins.

-Fixed weapon icons clipping and detail issues.

-Added objective mode (zpo_subway first map).

-Added 2 new models (human cop w/ its zombie version).

-Fixed various memory access and allocation bugs (improves stability).

-Added new melee weapons (pipe, spanner, and more).

-Added new maps (zps_asylum, zps_industry, and more).

-Updated previous maps (zps_deadblock, zps_silence, and more).

-Added roundtimeleft and lastinv console command.

-Adjusted ak47 rate of fire, recoil, and damage.

-Adjusted mp5 recoil and damage.

-Panic is now on a 20 sec cooldown and when used it bypass fatigue for 5 secs.

-Increased overall movement speed slightly to fit with new fatigue system.

-Carrier is now highlighted in the scoreboard.

-Fatigue system now working, fatigue indicator is in top left corner. Should be almost as slow as a zombie when fully fatigued.

-Walk now enabled, fatigue should not take effect when you are walking.

-Enabled spectator modes.

-Carrier now have a chance of infecting survivors from an attack (10%).

-Humans should now not be able to see each other's health.

-Fixed zombies being able to see survivors' head label.

-Fixed major bug where players kept a death grip of their current weapon when they die or disconnect (made weapon disappear for an entire round).

-Players can now push objects around using alternate fire when hands are empty. (Zombies hold no weapons so can always push)

-Fixed bug where the player was facing the wrong direction to others.

-Drown sound plays when you die in the water.

-Anti-camping sound plays every 15 secs when you camp for 30 secs.

-Fixed squashed player list dialog.

-Added some miscellaneous missing files.

-Sourcemod menus should now work

-Zombie life calculator should now also count people in the lobby when calculating.