Sajten ComputerAndVideogames har träffat #Criterion Games Alex Ward som besvarat en rad frågor om utveckling till den nya generationens konsoler i allmänhet och #Burnout 5 i synnerhet. Bland annat avfärdar de snabbt bilden av att "next-gen" bara innefattar snyggare grafik då de får frågan om varför de inte bara gör ett snyggare Burnout.

Well, if that's what we do than we've f****d it up. The next-gen is about a totally new expression of everything we've ever wanted to do. It's not just the visuals; obviously that's what people respond to first. It's about the way the car moves, how you interact with the car, how you interact with the world, it's got to be radically different.

De talar även om Wii, en konsol som de inte utvecklar ett spel till i nuläget, men om de skulle göra det i framtiden blir det knappast ett tredimensionellt racingspel.

Haven't really played on it much. If we did a game on the Wii we wouldn't do a 3D driving game. I think we'd do something very bespoke for it. Might do it might not. I don't think so, at the moment we're not working on it.