Mystisk Fallout 4-sajt uppdateras
Update 2: While this info is a little old, the above code is no longer on the site.
Det fan pillar till i byxan!
Tyvärr så verkar hela grejen fake.
Från Reddit:
"The domain is registered through GoDaddy, which ZeniMax has never once used.
WHOIS info can be faked by anyone. It simply isn't proof.
The hosting company is in Poland. All of ZeniMax's sites are hosted in the US.
The initial morse code had the date in a European format. Bethesda and Zenimax have always used US dates.
The site was posted to Reddit before anywhere else, not the Fallout fansites that Bethesda supports.
The moment that Reddit pointed out how the date format was wrong, the page was updated with a comment that the date format was European. Then later, the morse code audio was replaced with one with the American date. Are you going to tell me that ZeniMax as a global publisher doesn't understand how dates work?
This is the most amateur hour ARG I've ever seen in my life. And I love finding ARGs and participating in them, so I've seen quite a few. Finding black text on a black background isn't master sleuthing.
The coding style of the pages doesn't match the coding style of any Bethesda/ZeniMax site. Bethesda uses compressed HTML with no spaces.
All Bethesda/ZeniMax websites seem to be coded by the same team. They have a consistent naming scheme for their files and directory structure.
Every single Bethesda/ZeniMax site has Mozilla specific CSS. This site doesn't.
And they run the same javascript on every one of their sites.
var safesites = ["","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","http:\/\/\/en-us","bsw_cms_asset"];
Tyvärr så verkar hela grejen fake.
Från Reddit:
"The domain is registered through GoDaddy, which ZeniMax has never once used.
WHOIS info can be faked by anyone. It simply isn't proof.
The hosting company is in Poland. All of ZeniMax's sites are hosted in the US.
The initial morse code had the date in a European format. Bethesda and Zenimax have always used US dates.
The site was posted to Reddit before anywhere else, not the Fallout fansites that Bethesda supports.
The moment that Reddit pointed out how the date format was wrong, the page was updated with a comment that the date format was European. Then later, the morse code audio was replaced with one with the American date. Are you going to tell me that ZeniMax as a global publisher doesn't understand how dates work?
This is the most amateur hour ARG I've ever seen in my life. And I love finding ARGs and participating in them, so I've seen quite a few. Finding black text on a black background isn't master sleuthing.
The coding style of the pages doesn't match the coding style of any Bethesda/ZeniMax site. Bethesda uses compressed HTML with no spaces.
All Bethesda/ZeniMax websites seem to be coded by the same team. They have a consistent naming scheme for their files and directory structure.
Every single Bethesda/ZeniMax site has Mozilla specific CSS. This site doesn't.
And they run the same javascript on every one of their sites.
var safesites = ["","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","http:\/\/\/en-us","bsw_cms_asset"];
Men lägg ner hela den där (det är fake!) reddit är inte precis någon säkrare källa än något annat, tycker synd om folk som tror på precis all info som kommer där ifrån eller från andra ställen som försöker motbevisa allt.
Tror du på flygande grisar med ifall det skulle stå där?
Tyvärr så verkar hela grejen fake.
Från Reddit:
"The domain is registered through GoDaddy, which ZeniMax has never once used.
WHOIS info can be faked by anyone. It simply isn&#039;t proof.
The hosting company is in Poland. All of ZeniMax&#039;s sites are hosted in the US.
The initial morse code had the date in a European format. Bethesda and Zenimax have always used US dates.
The site was posted to Reddit before anywhere else, not the Fallout fansites that Bethesda supports.
The moment that Reddit pointed out how the date format was wrong, the page was updated with a comment that the date format was European. Then later, the morse code audio was replaced with one with the American date. Are you going to tell me that ZeniMax as a global publisher doesn&#039;t understand how dates work?
This is the most amateur hour ARG I&#039;ve ever seen in my life. And I love finding ARGs and participating in them, so I&#039;ve seen quite a few. Finding black text on a black background isn&#039;t master sleuthing.
The coding style of the pages doesn&#039;t match the coding style of any Bethesda/ZeniMax site. Bethesda uses compressed HTML with no spaces.
All Bethesda/ZeniMax websites seem to be coded by the same team. They have a consistent naming scheme for their files and directory structure.
Every single Bethesda/ZeniMax site has Mozilla specific CSS. This site doesn&#039;t.
And they run the same javascript on every one of their sites.
var safesites = ["","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","http:\/\/\/en-us","bsw_cms_asset"];
Men lägg ner hela den där (det är fake!) reddit är inte precis någon säkrare källa än något annat, tycker synd om folk som tror på precis all info som kommer där ifrån eller från andra ställen som försöker motbevisa allt.
Tror du på flygande grisar med ifall det skulle stå där?
Fokusera på innehållet istället för källan. Det känns konstigt att avfärda något endast med anledning av källan, läs igenom det och fatta en egen uppfattning istället.
Tyvärr så verkar hela grejen fake.
Från Reddit:
"The domain is registered through GoDaddy, which ZeniMax has never once used.
WHOIS info can be faked by anyone. It simply isn&#039;t proof.
The hosting company is in Poland. All of ZeniMax&#039;s sites are hosted in the US.
The initial morse code had the date in a European format. Bethesda and Zenimax have always used US dates.
The site was posted to Reddit before anywhere else, not the Fallout fansites that Bethesda supports.
The moment that Reddit pointed out how the date format was wrong, the page was updated with a comment that the date format was European. Then later, the morse code audio was replaced with one with the American date. Are you going to tell me that ZeniMax as a global publisher doesn&#039;t understand how dates work?
This is the most amateur hour ARG I&#039;ve ever seen in my life. And I love finding ARGs and participating in them, so I&#039;ve seen quite a few. Finding black text on a black background isn&#039;t master sleuthing.
The coding style of the pages doesn&#039;t match the coding style of any Bethesda/ZeniMax site. Bethesda uses compressed HTML with no spaces.
All Bethesda/ZeniMax websites seem to be coded by the same team. They have a consistent naming scheme for their files and directory structure.
Every single Bethesda/ZeniMax site has Mozilla specific CSS. This site doesn&#039;t.
And they run the same javascript on every one of their sites.
var safesites = ["","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","http:\/\/\/en-us","bsw_cms_asset"];
Men lägg ner hela den där (det är fake!) reddit är inte precis någon säkrare källa än något annat, tycker synd om folk som tror på precis all info som kommer där ifrån eller från andra ställen som försöker motbevisa allt.
Tror du på flygande grisar med ifall det skulle stå där?
Ja, men jag tror på saker för att jag vill att det ska vara sant. Jag kom med fakta om varför det möjligtvis skulle kunna vara oäkta, vad kom du med? Detta är ingen kyrka.
Tyvärr så verkar hela grejen fake.
Från Reddit:
"The domain is registered through GoDaddy, which ZeniMax has never once used.
WHOIS info can be faked by anyone. It simply isn&amp;#039;t proof.
The hosting company is in Poland. All of ZeniMax&amp;#039;s sites are hosted in the US.
The initial morse code had the date in a European format. Bethesda and Zenimax have always used US dates.
The site was posted to Reddit before anywhere else, not the Fallout fansites that Bethesda supports.
The moment that Reddit pointed out how the date format was wrong, the page was updated with a comment that the date format was European. Then later, the morse code audio was replaced with one with the American date. Are you going to tell me that ZeniMax as a global publisher doesn&amp;#039;t understand how dates work?
This is the most amateur hour ARG I&amp;#039;ve ever seen in my life. And I love finding ARGs and participating in them, so I&amp;#039;ve seen quite a few. Finding black text on a black background isn&amp;#039;t master sleuthing.
The coding style of the pages doesn&amp;#039;t match the coding style of any Bethesda/ZeniMax site. Bethesda uses compressed HTML with no spaces.
All Bethesda/ZeniMax websites seem to be coded by the same team. They have a consistent naming scheme for their files and directory structure.
Every single Bethesda/ZeniMax site has Mozilla specific CSS. This site doesn&amp;#039;t.
And they run the same javascript on every one of their sites.
var safesites = ["","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","http:\/\/\/en-us","bsw_cms_asset"];
Men lägg ner hela den där (det är fake!) reddit är inte precis någon säkrare källa än något annat, tycker synd om folk som tror på precis all info som kommer där ifrån eller från andra ställen som försöker motbevisa allt.
Tror du på flygande grisar med ifall det skulle stå där?
Ja, men jag tror på saker för att jag vill att det ska vara sant. Jag kom med fakta om varför det möjligtvis skulle kunna vara oäkta, vad kom du med? Detta är ingen kyrka.
Var försiktig med hur du använder ordet 'Fakta' om du inte själv har källor som bevisligen styrker dem. I det här fallet har du bara påståenden från någon du inte känner.
Jag tror knappast att Zenimax skulle tveka att outsourca till östeuropa som alla andra amerikanska mediebolag om de tjänar några dollar på det.
Å andra sidan är ju det här tänkt att vara ett mysterium och då vore det väl inte konstigt att man gjort det lite svårare för alla som kan ett par grundläggande unix-kommandon och vet hur man får upp html-kod i webläsaren att direkt hitta källan.
Tänker inte påstå att jag vet vad det handlar om, jag tycker bara att folk är alldeles för naiva när det gäller 'fakta' de hittar på internet.
Angående reddit-artikeln så tycker man det borde räcka med att slutsatsen är baserad på tex. att Bethesda aldrig har mellanslag i sin html-kod och att Zenimax alltid kör samma javascript för att ta uttalandet med en stor nypa salt.
Typsnittet som används på sajten (Monofonto) är samma som används i Fallout 3.
Tyvärr så verkar hela grejen fake.
Från Reddit:
"The domain is registered through GoDaddy, which ZeniMax has never once used.
WHOIS info can be faked by anyone. It simply isn&amp;#039;t proof.
The hosting company is in Poland. All of ZeniMax&amp;#039;s sites are hosted in the US.
The initial morse code had the date in a European format. Bethesda and Zenimax have always used US dates.
The site was posted to Reddit before anywhere else, not the Fallout fansites that Bethesda supports.
The moment that Reddit pointed out how the date format was wrong, the page was updated with a comment that the date format was European. Then later, the morse code audio was replaced with one with the American date. Are you going to tell me that ZeniMax as a global publisher doesn&amp;#039;t understand how dates work?
This is the most amateur hour ARG I&amp;#039;ve ever seen in my life. And I love finding ARGs and participating in them, so I&amp;#039;ve seen quite a few. Finding black text on a black background isn&amp;#039;t master sleuthing.
The coding style of the pages doesn&amp;#039;t match the coding style of any Bethesda/ZeniMax site. Bethesda uses compressed HTML with no spaces.
All Bethesda/ZeniMax websites seem to be coded by the same team. They have a consistent naming scheme for their files and directory structure.
Every single Bethesda/ZeniMax site has Mozilla specific CSS. This site doesn&amp;#039;t.
And they run the same javascript on every one of their sites.
var safesites = ["","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","http:\/\/\/en-us","bsw_cms_asset"];
Men lägg ner hela den där (det är fake!) reddit är inte precis någon säkrare källa än något annat, tycker synd om folk som tror på precis all info som kommer där ifrån eller från andra ställen som försöker motbevisa allt.
Tror du på flygande grisar med ifall det skulle stå där?
Ja, men jag tror på saker för att jag vill att det ska vara sant. Jag kom med fakta om varför det möjligtvis skulle kunna vara oäkta, vad kom du med? Detta är ingen kyrka.
Det är ju lite ironiskt att säga att du tror på saker för att du vill att det ska vara sant och samtidigt säga att detta inte är en kyrka. Det är precis så religiösa jobbar. Men du kanske uttryckte dig fel?
Ännu konstigare blir det ju när du hänvisar till en källa som visar på att det kan vara fake. Om du tror att det är fake, vill du inte att det ska vara Fallout 4 eller? I så fall varför inte?
Jag hänger inte alls med vad du vill eller tror.
Vad tjabbar ni om. Den är ju reggad på Zenimax.
Kolla här:
Och en bit ner:
Registry Registrant ID:
Registrant Name: IT Dept
Registrant Organization: ZeniMax Media Inc
Registrant Street: 1370 Piccard Drive Suite 120
Registrant City: Rockville
Registrant State/Province: Maryland
Registrant Postal Code: 20850
Registrant Country: United States
Registrant Phone: +1.30192687400
Registrant Phone Ext:
Registrant Fax:
Registrant Fax Ext:
Registrant Email: itdept@ZENIMAX.COM ???
Update : Ahh ok om jag har fattat det rätt så är den tumblr fake och har ingenting med den riktiga sidan att göra.
Vad tjabbar ni om. Den är ju reggad på Zenimax.
Kolla här:
Och en bit ner:
Registry Registrant ID:
Registrant Name: IT Dept
Registrant Organization: ZeniMax Media Inc
Registrant Street: 1370 Piccard Drive Suite 120
Registrant City: Rockville
Registrant State/Province: Maryland
Registrant Postal Code: 20850
Registrant Country: United States
Registrant Phone: +1.30192687400
Registrant Phone Ext:
Registrant Fax:
Registrant Fax Ext:
Registrant Email: itdept@ZENIMAX.COM
när man registerar en dns adress kan man skriva iprincip vad som i registeringen.
Vad tjabbar ni om. Den är ju reggad på Zenimax.
Kolla här:
Och en bit ner:
Registry Registrant ID:
Registrant Name: IT Dept
Registrant Organization: ZeniMax Media Inc
Registrant Street: 1370 Piccard Drive Suite 120
Registrant City: Rockville
Registrant State/Province: Maryland
Registrant Postal Code: 20850
Registrant Country: United States
Registrant Phone: +1.30192687400
Registrant Phone Ext:
Registrant Fax:
Registrant Fax Ext:
Registrant Email: itdept@ZENIMAX.COM
Den ska tydligen vara reggad från polen enligt No mutants allowed.
EDIT: Checking the domain IP shows, which leads to Needless to say, there's no way Bethesda would use a Polish host, so this is a fake.
EDIT 2: The page's source code has been edited to add these lines:
European RTMP Server
American RTMP Server,
I'm still leaning towards fake and assume this was just added by the prankster to make the website seem more legit, but I'm going to leave a bit more leeway in case it happens to be true.