#Enemy Territory: Quake Wars väntar bakom hörnet men folket på #Id Software har fler järn i elden, nyligen visade de upp sin nya spelmotor och tillsammans med #Raven Software skapar de ett nytt Wolfenstein-spel. På E3 fick IGN möjlighet att prata med Tim Willits om branschveteranernas framtid och vi får bland annat veta mycket kommer att visas på [[QuakeCon]].

IGN: So what's going on with id right now?

Tim Willits: We have a lot of stuff going on right now. You're here to see Quake Wars [check out that preview here] so I won't go into that right now. We're working with Raven on Wolfenstein right now and we'll have a little more to talk about with that at QuakeCon. We're here talking to potential licensees about id Tech 5, which is the structure of our new title being developed internally.

One of the cool things about Tech 5 is that it's cross-platform supporting PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Mac and PC and it all uses the same content, you know, it's the same code base. That's actually something very new that you don't really get with other technologies in the code base.