Vi fick inte bara tillgång till en ny bild på #The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena idag, utan även en smaskig lista på fem av röstskådespelarna i spelet. Riddick självt får sin röst av ingen annan än... Vin Diesel såklart. Vin Diesels första kontakt med antihjälten var i kultfilmen Pitch Black, filmen vars namn #Starbreeze även lånar till Assault on Dark Athenas flerspelarläge.

Lance Henriksen (Terminator, Alien, Millennium) ger sin röst åt Dacher, en fånge på skeppet som Riddick spenderade tid med tidigare i sitt liv. Kaptenen på skeppet, Revas, bär även hon ett gemensamt förflutet med huvudkaraktären och hennes röst görs av Michelle Forbes (Star Trek: TNG, BSG, Prison Break). Revas högra hand, Spinner, står Wade Williams (Prison Break) för. Morgan Sheppard (Star Trek, Transformers) medverkade i första spelet och gör nu rösten för den schizofrene fången Pavlo.

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Riddick: voiced by Vin Diesel
The self-confessed Dungeons & Dragons fan first stepped into Riddick?s shoes in cult hit film Pitch Black, which is honoured with a multiplayer mode of the same name in Assault on Dark Athena. Diesel found the shoes a good fit and subsequently starred in the film The Chronicles of Riddick and lent his voice to the acclaimed game Escape from Butcher Bay. Riddick is renowned as the toughest criminal in the galaxy - a man who walks a moral knife edge and isn?t shy of getting blood on his hands.

Dacher: voiced by Lance Henriksen
A versatile character actor equally at home playing blood-thirsty vampires or beaten-down detectives, Lance Henriksen made his intense presence felt early on with appearances in timeless big screen blockbusters Close Encounters of the Third Kind, The Terminator and Aliens. He brings the weight of his voice to bear on Assault on Dark Athena playing Dacher, a prisoner on the ship who shares part of his harrowing life story with Riddick and comes to his aid as the plot unfolds.

Revas: voiced by Michelle Forbes
The Texan-born actress is known for playing tough women, a skill which has seen her take major roles in a series of acclaimed TV shows including Battlestar Galactica, Prison Break, 24, and Star Trek: The Next Generation. Her unforgettable performance as Revas, the captain of the Merc-ship Dark Athena who shares a chequered past with Riddick, brings depth and a weary malevolence to the character.

Spinner: voiced by Wade Williams
Williams has appeared in numerous top-rated TV series including CSI, 24, Six Feet Under, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and most prominently Prison Break in which he played Bradley 'Brad' Bellick from 2005-2008. In Assault on Dark Athena Williams takes the role of Spinner, the loyal right-hand man of ship?s captain Revas, who is charged with holding the ship together while Riddick unleashes chaos.

Pavlo: voiced by Morgan Sheppard
The accomplished, British-born actor has made numerous appearances on stage and screen since the 1960s including most recently 2007's Transformers film, with an appearance slated in the forthcoming Star Trek movie. Following his voice work on 2004's Escape from Butcher Bay, Sheppard returns to the Riddick universe lending his voice to the character Pavlo, a schizophrenic prisoner trapped aboard Dark Athena who brings clarity and confusion to Riddick in equal doses.