Idag släpps skräckspelet #The Evil Within, utvecklat av Resident Evil-skaparen Shinji Mikami, och som du ser har vi ingen recension ännu. Många spelpublikationer har fått tillgång till spelet väldigt sent men vi hoppas kunna ha ett betyg klart på torsdag.

Du som tänkt skrämmas av spelet via en dator kanske blev en smula irriterad över en bilduppdatering är låst till 30 fps men Bethesda har en lösning. Genom att redigera spelets startkommando kan du komma åt konsolen och därigenom pilla på diverse inställningar som inte finns i menyerna. Däremot finns det inget officiellt stöd för en fps över 30 (du kan låsa den vid 60 eller låta den löpa fritt) så buggar kan uppstå.

Klicka för mer information

We promised them, and here they are! Please note that using debug console commands is unsupported by Bethesda and our customer service team.

To access the debug console, do the following:

  1. In Steam, right click on The Evil Within and select “properties” then under the General tab, hit “set launch options.”

  2. Put this in to unlock the console: +com_allowconsole 1

  3. Once the game has launched, hit the Insert key to bring down the developer console.

These are the commands you can use and some notes about each:

  • R_swapinterval <NUMBER>

    • Sets the FPS lock. Note that the numbers below are negative.

    • -2: This is the default, set to 30 FPS. This is the officially supported frame rate

    • -1: This sets the FPS limit to 60. Fully playable, although there may be quirks (we’re going to fix these).

    • 0: This fully unlocks the FPS. We do not recommend playing above 60. We will not fix any issues above 60.

  • God

    • God mode. You are effectively invincible, and certain enemy kill moves will not be used against you (Laura, for example, will not jump on you)

  • Noclip

    • Allows you to walk through walls

  • G_infiniteammo

    • Unlimited ammo (provided you have at least 1 bullet when you enable this)

  • G_stoptime 1

    • Stops time. Note there is a bug right now where using this command causes a UI element to appear on screen. We’re looking to fix that in the near future.

    • Re enable time with g_stoptime 0

  • Toggledebugcamera

    • Separates the camera from Sebastian so you can freely move around the

  • R_forceaspectratio <NUMBER>

    • Sets the aspect ratio. Default is 2.5, which is our official aspect ratio.

    • 0 is full screen, but not ideal. 1.8 or 2 is probably most comfortable for those who don’t want bars.

  • Com_showFPS

    • Turns on id’s native FPS counter

  • Startslowmotion2

    • Slows down time

[li]Disables slow motion
