#Nintendo-killen Reggie Fils-Aime har i en intervju delat med sig av sina tankar om konkurrenterna #Microsoft och #Sony. För en gångs skull så handlar det inte om någon negativ kritik, istället hyllar han dem. Han säger sig gilla [[PS3]]-spelet #LittleBigPlanet och tycker att [[Halo]]-serien är riktigt bra. Även #Bioshock faller honom i smaken, då han tycker att handlingen är smart och väl genomförd.

"I've been very intrigued with LittleBigPlanet," he said this month. "I don't know that it belongs on their platform.

"Microsoft has done well. There are a range of first-person shooter type games that are all very well done that could all do quite well on a Nintendo platform."

"Certainly, the Halo trilogy - anyone who would look at that and say, 'No, I think we could live without it,' probably doesn't think real long about this industry.

"Even games like BioShock. I thought that was tremendously well done. The writing was tremendously clever. I would love to see more of that type of content in the industry overall that actually makes people think a little bit."